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1. Define SEO

Search Engine Optimization is the process of making a website appear closer to the top of a search engine query.
2. Define Pagination
Process of dividing content into different pages.
3. How and why are unique & accurate page titles important
If your document appears in a search results page, the contents of the title tag will usually appear in the first line of the results
4. Why are descriptions important?
Descriptions give search engines a summary of what the page is about.
5. What is a Meta Tag?
A tag in the code that has “Meta” in front of it
6. How can one improve the structure of a website?
Make the URLs user-friendly, (readable), create a simple directory structure, etc.
7. How can a webmaster Optimize Content?
Create a naturally flowing hierarchy, use mostly text for navigation, Put an HTML site map page on your site, and use an XML Sitemap file, and have a useful, custom 404 page that can redirect people back to your site.
8. Why should a webmaster offer quality content and services
If your site has quality content/services, you will get more traffic and your site can be shared around.
9. What is an anchor text?  How can it improve your SEO?
Anchor text is the clickable text that users will see as a result of a link, and is placed  within the anchor tag <a href="..."></a>.  This text tells users and google something about the page being linked.
10. How can a webmaster Optimize the use of images?
Use the “alt” attribute, so that in case an image cannot be loaded, users can get some idea of what was pictured.  Also storing all images in a specialized directory will help.
11. Why are heading tags important when dealing with Crawlers?
Iunno cuz da page dusnt tell me
12. How can you make effective use of robots.txt
Create separate robots.txt files for individual subdomains.
13. Why should you be aware of rel=”nofollow” for links?
It prevents spam bots from spamming up the place.
14. How does one SEO for Mobile Phones?
15. How does one notify Google of mobile sites?
Submit a Mobile Sitemap to Google to inform them of the site’s existence.
16. How does one promote their website in the right ways
Making blog posts to let users know that you have added something.  Also promoting your site and/or company, as well as newsletters are great ways to get the word out.
17. What are some free webmaster tools?
They can notify of an XML sitemap file, analyze and generate robots.txt files, get a glimpse of how Googlebot sees pages, identify issues with title and description meta tags, and more


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